Massage Services

Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage

Ease muscle aches and strains while reducing stress to create a sense of relaxation. Using light to medium pressure, Swedish massage promotes circulation and lymph movement, and is good for stress-related conditions and chronic pain. This therapeutic massage will leave you feeling refreshed. Reflexology as a separate session on the feet, hands and ears.

1 Hour $80

1½ Hour $110

2 Hour $200


Cranio-Sacral Treatment

CranioSacral Therapy

Using a very light touch, CranioSacral Therapy releases muscle/joint tension and tissue restrictions in the craniosacral system, sacrum to cranium, to improve the functioning of the central nervous system. This therapy promotes balance while decreasing stress and is effective relief for headaches, TMJ disorders, back and neck pain. For more information, please visit the Upledger Institute.

1 Hour $80

1½ Hour $110


Deep Tissue Massage and Myofascial Release

Specific Injury Treatment

Injuries sustained during any type of sport, which include sitting, typing, eating, cooking, moving furniture, not just athletic events, should be addressed as soon as possible. This treatment can be considered deep tissue or sport massage but the treatment is bigger than those titles. Specific injury treatment works on the skeletal muscles allowing us to perform the tasks we do on a daily basis. This work is slow and deep. Specific Injury Treatment addresses the muscles surrounding the injury area. This is NOT a full body massage.

1 Hour $80

1½ Hour $110


Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage

Focusing on the special needs of the mother-to-be, this treatment alleviates tired, fatigued muscles using light to medium pressure. The mother’s body is properly positioned and supported during the massage, ensuring comfort and safety for the mother and baby. This therapy is very effective in bringing physical relief to overworked muscles.

1 Hour $80


Hot Stone Treatment

Hot Stone Treatment

What a treat! Hot stone massage thins and heats the blood to improve circulation. Each hot stone massage therapy session promotes deeper muscle relaxation through the use of smooth, water-heated stones on the body. Hot stone treatment is very therapeutic and relaxing, creating a sense of warmth and tranquility.

1½ Hour $165